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Dennis K. Peters

Associate Professor
B.Eng. (Memorial), M.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster), P. Eng., SMIEEE, FEC

Head, Dept. of Electrical and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
also cross appointed to Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Science

Office: EN-3058
E-mail: dpeters at
Phone: (709) 864-2707 (department) (709) 864-8929 (direct)
Fax: (709) 864-4042

Research | Teaching | Publications | Professional Associations | Personal


My research is concerned with techniques for design and verification of software and computer systems, with particular focus on high-performance computing and parallel and distributed processing.

Currently I am involved in several projects:

For more details about my research, please see my publications.

I did my graduate studies with the Software Engineering Research Group, which has become the Software Quality Research Laboratory (SQRL), at McMaster University.


Previous courses

Professional Associations

Given all that, you may be inclined to ask "Are you a Software Engineer?"


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Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL
Canada A1B 3X5

Last modified $Date: 2015-07-14 13:56:03 -0230 (Tue, 14 Jul 2015) $ ($Revision: 1742 $) by $Author: dpeters $