package ; import js.html.HTMLDocument; import haxe.Log ; import js.Browser ; import js.html.Document ; import js.html.Event ; import js.html.Element ; import tbc.TBC.Process ; import tbc.TBC.Triv ; import tbc.TBC.* ; import tbc.TBCHTML.*; import tbc.TBCTime.* ; class Controller { static public function main() { win = Browser.window ; doc = win.document ; var body = doc.body ; body.onload = Controller.onload ; } static var CPP = 0 ; static var JAVA = 1 ; static var win : js.html.Window ; static var doc : HTMLDocument ; static var topContainer : Element ; static var editorContainerContainerContainer : Element ; static var tmContainer : Element ; static var editButton : Element ; static var warning : Element ; static var dismissWarning : Element ; static var loadWarning : Element ; static var radio : Array = new Array() ; static var editorContainer : Array = new Array() ; static var textArea : Array = new Array() ; static var editor : Array = new Array() ; static var runButton : Array = new Array() ; static function showPopup(e : Element ) { e.setAttribute("class", "popup visible"); } static function hidePopup(e : Element ) { e.setAttribute("class", "popup hidden"); } static function clearWarning() { hidePopup( warning ) ; } static function showPopupP(e : Element ) { return exec(function(){ showPopup(e); return null; }) ; } static function hidePopupP(e : Element ) { return exec(function(){ hidePopup(e); return null; }) ; } static function out(str : String ) : Process { return exec(function(){Log.trace(str); return null;}) ; } static function show(e : Element ) : Process { return out("Showing") > exec(function(){ = "visible"; return null;}) ; } static function hide(e : Element ) : Process { return out("hiding") > exec(function(){ = "hidden"; return null;}) ; } static function showTM( ) : Process { return out("showing TM") > exec( function(){ tmContainer.setAttribute("class","onTop") ; editorContainerContainerContainer.setAttribute("class","onBottom") ; return null;}) > pause( 2000 ); } static function hideTM( ) : Process { return out( "hiding TM" ) > exec( function(){ editorContainerContainerContainer.setAttribute("class","onTop") ; tmContainer.setAttribute("class","onBottom") ; return null;}) > pause( 2000 ) ; } static function rotateVisible(e : Element ) : Process { return out("Rotate to visible") > exec(function(){ = "rotateY(0deg)" ; (cast = "rotateY(0deg)" ; return null;}) ; } static function rotateInVisible(e : Element ) : Process { return out("Rotate to invisible") > exec(function(){ = "rotateY(90deg)" ; (cast = "rotateY(90deg)" ; return null;}) ; } static function swap( oldContainer : Element, newContainer : Element, editor : Element) { return rotateInVisible( oldContainer ) > pause(300) > hide( oldContainer ) > pause(300) > show( newContainer ) > rotateVisible( newContainer ) ; } static function showEditor( toLang : Int ) { return show(topContainer) > swap( editorContainer[1-toLang], editorContainer[toLang], editor[toLang] ) ; } static function getTheTMApplet( ) : Process{ return exec( function() : Element { return untyped getTMApplet() ; } ) ; } static function getTextFromCodeMirror( lang : Int ) : Process { return exec( function() : String { return untyped editor[lang].getValue("\n") ; } ) ; } static function sendToTM( lang : Int ) : Process { var fileName = if(lang==CPP) "tryItNow.cpp" else "" ; return getTheTMApplet() >= function( tm : Element ) : Process { if( tm == null ) return unit( null ) ; else return getTextFromCodeMirror(lang) >= function (src : String ) : Process { return exec( function() { try { Log.trace("loadSting"+fileName+": "+src) ; untyped tm.loadString( fileName, src) ; Log.trace("loadString returns") ; } catch( e : Dynamic ) { Log.trace( "Error on send to TM " + e.toString() ) ; // Could use a stack trace here. win.alert( "There was a problem sending the code to the Teaching Machine." + " Try again. If the problem persists, contact Theodore" + " Norvell (" ) ; } return null ; } ) ; } ; } } static function initialState() : Process { return await( change(radio[CPP]) && unit(CPP) || change(radio[JAVA]) && unit(JAVA) ) >= function(lang : Int) { return showEditor(lang) > editingState(lang) ; } ; } static function editingState( lang : Int ) { return await( changeLang(1-lang) || run(lang) ) ; } static function changeLang( toLang : Int ) { return change(radio[toLang]) && showEditor(toLang) > unit(toLang) >= editingState ; } static function run( lang : Int ) { return click(runButton[lang]) && showPopupP( loadWarning ) > showTM() > sendToTM(lang) > hidePopupP( loadWarning ) > await( click(editButton) && hideTM() ) > unit(lang) >= editingState ; } static public function onload() { warning = doc.getElementById("warning") ; dismissWarning = doc.getElementById("dismissWarning") ; loadWarning = doc.getElementById("loadWarning") ; topContainer = doc.getElementById("topContainer") ; editorContainerContainerContainer = doc.getElementById("editorContainerContainerContainer") ; tmContainer = doc.getElementById("teachingMachineContainer") ; editButton = doc.getElementById("editButton") ; radio[CPP] = doc.getElementById("cppRadio") ; (cast radio[CPP]).checked = false ; radio[JAVA] = doc.getElementById("javaRadio") ; (cast radio[JAVA]).checked = false ; editorContainer[CPP] = doc.getElementById('cppEditorContainer') ; editorContainer[JAVA] = doc.getElementById('javaEditorContainer') ; textArea[CPP] = doc.getElementById('cppTextArea') ; textArea[JAVA] = doc.getElementById('javaTextArea') ; untyped editor[CPP] = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textArea[CPP], {mode: "text/x-c++src" } ); untyped editor[JAVA] = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textArea[JAVA], {mode: "text/x-java" } ); runButton[CPP] = doc.getElementById('runCPPButton') ; runButton[JAVA] = doc.getElementById('runJavaButton') ; untyped setTMReadyCallBack( clearWarning ) ; dismissWarning.onclick = clearWarning ; Log.trace("Last compiled " + CompileTime.get() ); Log.trace("Started at " + ); var p = initialState() ; p.go( function(x:Triv) {}, function( ex : Dynamic ) trace( "Exception " + ex ) ) ; // Execute p } }