##################################################################### # Memorial University of Newfoundland # Engineering 4892 Data Structures # Makefile -- An example makefile. # # Author: Dennis Peters # # You may copy and modify this file for your use. # # "make" is a program that compiles and links a multi-part program, keeping # track (using file timestamps) of what has already been compiled so that # it doesn't re-compile when not needed. To use it you need a "Makefile" # (similar to this file) that describes what parts are to be compiled # together (this is analgous to the "project" used in MS C++), then you can # simply run make and it does the rest. # The Makefile should be called "Makefile", and the executable should be # the first target listed (reverseIS in this case). If you want to have # more than one target described in the same makefile, you simply need to # specifiy which one to build when running make, i.e.: # make reverseIS # ##################################################################### CC = g++ CXX = g++ CXXFLAGS = -g -Wall # This rule says what object (.o) files the executable program "reverseIS" # depends on. Note that the .exe is implicit. Also the executable must have # the same base-name as one of the object files, otherwise the 'implicit' # rule won't work. # reverseIS : reverseIS.o IntStack.o # This rule says that reverseIS.o depends on IntStack.h. # If a source file includes any non-system include files (e.g., assign1.h) # you should make the .o file dependant on it. # reverseIS.o is also dependant on reverseIS.cpp, but that is implicit. # reverseIS.o : IntStack.h IntStack.o : IntStack.h ##################################################################### # # $RCSfile: Makefile,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ # $Date: 2001-06-15 09:32:14-02:30 $ # $State: Exp $ # # REVISION HISTORY # # $Log: Makefile,v $ # Revision 1.1 2001-06-15 09:32:14-02:30 dpeters # Initial revision # # #####################################################################