How to test SOCCER

The SOCCER Tester contains a suite of JUnit testcases to test your model. To run the test cases, follow the following steps (this is written assuming that you're using Eclipse).

  1. Add JUnit to your project (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add Library -> JUnit).
  2. Add the soccerTest.jar to your project (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add external Jar).
  3. Run the simulator, selecting your model and choosing test mode.
  4. Click "go" on the simulator chooser UI.
  5. Run test.TestMain from the test jar.
  6. If you're using a view that self updates (e.g., the dpeters view posted earlier) you'll see the players move around a bit as the test cases are executed. When it's done the console for the TestMain will give a report about the test cases passed and failed.

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Last modified: $Date: 2008-03-07 23:51:53 -0330 (Fri, 07 Mar 2008) $ ($Revision: 377 $) by $Author: dpeters $