This is a part of a word file for UltraEdit-32. It tells UltraEdit how to syntax colour Haskell scripts. Created by Theodore Norvell. INSTRUCTIONS: Change the 6 in /L6 to the appropriate number. Then copy every thing after this line into UltraEdit's WORDFILE.TXT. /L6"Gofer/Haskell" Line Comment = -- Block Comment On = {- Block Comment Off = -} String Chars = "' File Extensions = GOF HKL LGS PRE HS LHS GC /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"<> , .? /C1"Reserved_and_Special" as case class data default deriving do else if import in infix infixl infixr instance hiding let module newtype of qualified then type where /C2"Prelude" Addr Bool Bounded Char Double EQ Either EmptyRec EmptyRow Enum Eq False FilePath Float Floating Fractional Fractional Functor GT IO IOError IOResult Int Integer Integral Ix Just LT Left Maybe Monad Nothing Num Num Numeric Ord Ordering Prelude PreludeIO PreludeList PreludeText Ratio Rational Read ReadS Real RealFloat RealFrac Rec Right Show ShowS String TREX True abs acos acosh all and any appendFile approxRational asTypeOf asin asinh atan atan2 atanh be break catch ceiling chr compare concat concatMap const cos cosh curry cycle decodeFloat denominator digitToInt div div divMod drop dropWhile either elem encodeFloat enumFrom enumFromThen enumFromThenTo enumFromTo error even exp exponent exported fail filter flip floatDigits floatRadix floatRange floor fmap foldl foldl1 foldr foldr1 fromDouble fromEnum fromInt fromInteger fromIntegral fromRational fst gcd getChar getContents getLine head id inRange index init intToDigit interact ioError isAlpha isAlphaNum isAscii isControl isDenormalized isDigit isHexDigit isIEEE isInfinite isLower isNaN isNegativeZero isOctDigit isPrint isSpace isUpper iterate last lcm length lex lexDigits lexLitChar lines log logBase lookup map mapM mapM_ max maxBound maximum maybe min minBound minimum mod negate non-standard not notElem null numerator odd only or ord otherwise pi pred primExitWith print product properFraction putChar putStr putStrLn quot quot quotRem range rangeSize read readDec readFile readFloat readHex readIO readInt readList readLitChar readLn readOct readParen readSigned reads readsPrec realToFrac recip rem repeat replicate return reverse round scaleFloat scanl scanl1 scanr scanr1 seq sequence sequence_ should show showChar showInt showList showLitChar showParen showSigned showString shows showsPrec significand signum signum sin sinh snd span splitAt sqrt subtract succ sum tail take takeWhile tan tanh toEnum toInt toInteger toInteger toLower toRational toUpper truncate uncurry undefined unlines until unwords unzip unzip3 userError words writeFile zip zip3 zipWith zipWith3 /C3"Standard" AbsoluteSeek AppendMode Array BlockBuffering BufferMode Complex ExitCode ExitFailure ExitSuccess Handle HandlePosn IOMode LineBuffering MonadPlus NoBuffering Random RandomGen ReadMode RelativeSeek SeekFromEnd SeekMode StdGen WriteMode accum accumArray amPm ap array assocs bounds bracket bracket_ catMaybes cis conjugate dateFmt dateTimeFmt delete deleteBy deleteFirstsBy elemIndex elemIndices elems exitFailure exitWith filterM find findIndex findIndices floatToDigits foldM fromJust fromMaybe fromRat genericDrop genericIndex genericLength genericReplicate genericSplitAt genericTake getArgs getEnv getProgName getStdGen getStdRandom group groupBy guard hClose hFlush hGetChar hGetContents hGetLine hGetPosn hIsClosed hIsOpen hIsReadable hIsWritable hPrint hPutChar hPutStr hPutStrLn hSetPosn imagPart indices inits insert insertBy intersect intersectBy intersperse ioeGetErrorString ioeGetFileName ioeGetHandle isAlreadyExistsError isAlreadyInUseError isDoesNotExistError isEOFError isFullError isIllegalOperation isJust isLatin1 isNothing isPermissionError isPrefixOf isSuffixOf isUserError ixmap join liftM liftM2 liftM3 liftM4 liftM5 listArray listToMaybe magnitude mapAccumL mapAccumR mapAndUnzipM mapMaybe maximumBy maybeToList minimumBy mkPolar mkStdGen months mplus msum mzero newStdGen next nub nubBy openFile partition phase polar random randomIO randomR randomRIO randomRs randoms realPart setStdGen showEFloat showFFloat showFloat showGFloat sort sortBy split stderr stdin stdout system tails time12Fmt timeFmt transpose try unfoldr union unionBy unless unzip4 unzip5 unzip6 unzip7 wDays when zip4 zip5 zip6 zip7 zipWith4 zipWith5 zipWith6 zipWith7 zipWithM zipWithM_