Conference and Visit

NRPOP-PEOPLE Guest Lecture: “Are there engineering solutions to the problem of declining coral reefs” on September 18, 2018 – Dr. Charles Sheppard, OBE, PhD, FLS

NRPOP-PEOPLE Guest Lecture: “Are there engineering solutions to the problem of declining coral reefs” on September 18, 2018 – Dr. Charles Sheppard, OBE, Ph.D., FLS; Professor Emeritus, University of Warwick, United Kingdom; Chief Editor for 24 years: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Current Editor: Advances in Marine Biology


Dr. Charles Sheppard is invited to give a guest lecture on “Are there engineering solutions to the problem of declining coral reefs”. This lecture will take place on:

Date: September 18, 2018

Time: 10-11 a.m.

Location: Engineering Board Room, EN 4002, Memorial University

Contact: Dr. Bing Chen, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (


Please view the following link for further details: Guest lecture_Charles Shappard
