

All conference participations should have received personalized links to join the conference platform through the email addresses that you used for registration.

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  • Use the Live Q&A box on the right side of your screen to ask questions to the presenters during the keynote and panelist discussion. You can also take notes in the “My Session Notes” section on the right-hand side of the screen. Simply type in your notes during the session and click “save”. You can export your session notes by clicking the export symbol on the top right corner of your screen and then “Export My Notes” to receive your notes via email.
  • If you have any technical difficulties within the platform, please contact Live Support by clicking on this symbol in the top right corner of your screen.
  • While watching the keynote and panelist discussions, which take place within the conference platform, you can maximize the video window to view the presenter and the presentation slides at the same time by selecting the arrow icon in the top right corner of the video. To minimize your screen again, select the same icon.
  • The Paper Sessions will take place in Zoom Meetings. To find the link for the session, click on the Session title and then under Information select  “Click Here to Access the Paper Session” to open the Zoom meeting. If you don’t have the Zoom app installed already, you can either download the app or join via browser.
  • Lastly, after this session ends, select “Back to Conference Home Page” at the top right corner of the conference page to return to the homepage and join the next session.


CFD2021 will be held online at 12:00pm-5:30pm NDT, July 27-29, 2021. All presentations will be live.

  • A personalized link has been sent to each registered participant along with instructions to get access to the conference platform and full papers.
  • For presenters and session chairs, training sessions and instructions will be provided one week before the conference.
  • Note that all conference sessions will be recorded.



Numerical Simulations of Complex Multiphase Flows

Dr. Gretar Tryggvason is the Charles A. Miller, Jr. Distinguished Professor at the Johns Hopkins University and the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD from Brown University in 1985 and was on the faculty of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor until 2000, when he moved to Worcester Polytechnic Institute as the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Between 2010 and 2017 he was the Viola D. Hank professor at the University of Notre Dame and the chair of the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Professor Tryggvason is well known for his contributions to computational fluid dynamics; particularly the development of methods for computations of multiphase flows and for pioneering direct numerical simulations of such flows. He served as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computational Physics 2002-2015, is a fellow of APS, ASME and AAAS, and the recipient of several awards, including the 2012 ASME Fluids Engineering Award and the 2019 ASTFE Award.

CFD Insights Ship Flows and Structural Interaction

Dr. Frederick Stern is a Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering and IIHR, University of Iowa. He is an expert in experimental/computational ship hydrodynamics following an integrated approach: experiments guided by simulations provide validation data and simulations fill in sparse data.  Iowa towing tank/wave basin data have been used for physics, CFD validation, and test cases for CFD workshops and NATO AVT working groups.  CFDShip-Iowa URANS/DES is one of the best codes at CFD workshops since 1994 with many functionalities. Next generation high-fidelity/resolution V6 enables two-phase sharp-interface DNS/LES utilizing billions of grid points.  Research includes development of V&V and UQ methods, fundamental physics, ship performance, deterministic/stochastic multi-disciplinary optimization, and fluid structure interaction, as described in many publications.

Multiscale Simulations of Liquid Crystalline Materials

Dr. Grecov received her Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from Grenoble Institute of Technology. After a postdoctoral research fellow position at McGill University, Montreal, she joined the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in 2005, where she is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Her expertise is in modeling and simulations, biofluid mechanics, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, rheology and tribology. She has more than 20 years of experience in complex fluids research, constitutive modeling development, and numerical simulations. She received the CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation) Leaders Opportunity Award in 2007, a Peter Wall Early Career Scholar Award in 2007, the NSERC (Natural Sci. & Eng. Res. Council) Discovery Accelerator Award in 2016, the Wall Scholars Research Award in 2016 and she is a fellow of Engineers Canada from 2019. Dr. Grecov has published over 120 conference and journal papers, many of which are in prestigious journals. Her published papers are the outcome of the combination of analytical or/and experimental with numerical simulations. She has chaired many sessions at international conferences and advised more than 60 graduate and undergraduate students. 


CFD for Marine Applications – Challenges and Ways Ahead


Kevin McTaggart completed his doctorate in Civil Engineering in 1989, specializing in offshore hydrodynamics at University of British Columbia.  He then commenced his career as a Defence Scientist with Defence Research and Development Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he leads the Performance Simulation Group.  His areas of research include ship motions in waves, ship maneuvering, and application of simulation to ship design and operation.  His current work and collaborations are examining application of CFD to prediction of ship maneuvering force coefficients.             

Barton Stockdill joined Robert Allan Ltd. full time in 2004 and is registered Professional Engineer in BC. He holds MASc and BEng degrees from the University of Victoria with a specialization in Computational Fluid Dynamics. As the Technical Manager Hydrodynamics, Bart leads the hydrodynamics group with a focus on CFD analysis of tugs and patrol vessels, particularly propulsion and manoeuvring. He initiated the CFD program at Robert Allan Ltd. in 2009 to support design work and reduce dependence on model testing. Today Robert Allan Ltd. has five dedicated CFD engineers and an in-house 1020 core high performance computing cluster.

Chad Oldfield is a senior naval architect at Vard Marine Inc., and leads their CFD group.  He received his B.Eng. from Memorial University and his M.A.Sc. from the University of Toronto.  His work spans a range of ship hydrodynamic performance analyses as applied in ship design, such as resistance and propulsion, manoeuvring, seakeeping, dynamic positioning, and developing new techniques to solve unique problems.  This includes application of CFD to both common and novel situations, and selecting methodologies suited to practical application at different stages of design.

Rajeev K. Jaiman is currently an Associate Professor and NSERC/Seaspan Industrial Chair in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. Prior to his current appointment at UBC, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS, he was the Director of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Development at Altair Engineering, Inc., Mountain View, California.  The CFD technologies that Dr. Jaiman has developed are routinely used in marine/offshore, wind turbine, nuclear reactors, automotive and aerospace industries. Dr. Jaiman earned his first degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).  His research interests include fluid-structure interaction, computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis,  data-driven modeling and physics-based machine learning. He is currently an Associate Editor of ASME-JOMAE  and a senior member of AIAA and members of ASME, SNAME, USACM, APS and SIAM.


The CFD Society of Canada (CFDSC) invite you to submit extended abstracts and papers to CFD2021 – the 29th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics  Society of Canada, hosted by Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, Memorial University at 11:00am-5:30pm NDT, July 27-29, 2021 online.

Papers are sought in all areas of Computational Fluid Dynamics as specified in Scope of the Conference. Following the acceptance of the extended abstract, authors are invited to submit a full-length paper. The extended abstract is limited to three pages, including figures, tables and references.

Important Dates:

  • Submission of Extended Abstract: May 21, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance: June 12, 2021
  • Submission of Full-Length Paper: June 30, 2021 July 5, 2021
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 30, 2021

Template and Submission of Abstract/Full-Paper:

The extended abstract and the full-length paper are in the same format. Both LaTex and Word templates can be downloaded here. The full-length paper should not exceed 8 pages. The extended abstract, limited to 3 pages, should include:

  • Introduction, providing the brief background and the objective(s) of the paper.
  • Approach, describing how the objectives are met.
  • Results, showing major results using figures and/or tables.
  • Major references.

The extended abstract and the full-length paper in PDF format are to be sent to the conference email: engrcfd2021@mun.ca.

Student Scholarships and Best Student Paper Awards

The CFD Society of Canada has announced that it will award up to two scholarships of $4,000 each to graduate students pursuing CFD research at a Canadian university. Application deadline is June 1, 2021. The application information can be found here. Scholarships will be awarded at the CFD2021 conference.

The Society honors two best student papers presented at CFD2021 with a cash prize of $500 each.  Full-time students can enter the competition by indicating their interest when they submit the full paper for their presentation at the conference. The Best Student Paper Awards will be presented at the conference on July 28, 2021. The awards will be determined by a judging panel based on the quality of the paper and student’s presentation.

Supporting Journal

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an improved version for consideration in a special issue of Physics of Fluids on Advances in CFD Methods, Simulations and Applications.