Technical writing

As professional engineers, you will be expected to communicate with those both inside and outside your chosen field of study. Being able to communicate complex technical practices and processes using language that allows others to fully appreciate and understand your ideas is a skill that you must strive to improve and refine.

The following links provide resources to aide in the understanding and development of technical writing skills. You may also want to sign up for the Grammarly Premium writing app, available at no cost, to all engineering undergraduate students at Memorial University. Grammarly is a powerful writing tool that uses algorithms to flag potential issues with your text and suggest context specific corrections for grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism. Grammarly explains the reasoning behind each correction, so you can make an informed decision about whether, and how, to correct an issue.

Writing reports

Technical report writing basics

Technical report writing process

Create a report outline

Topic analysis and organizational structures for reports

Writing an introduction and summary

Appendices in technical reports

Formatting your document and adding a table of contents

Sample Technical Report

Adding Visual Elements

Using figures and tables

Adding equations to documents

Technical Writing Style

Writing with brevity – why less is often more

Common technical writing errors

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