WELCOME to NRPOP Lab - Wetland Research!


Field Investigation and Hydrological Modeling of Sub-Arctic Wetland Hydrology
in Southwestern Hudson Bay

 Our Partners:

Memorial University


Manitoba Hydro

Churchill Northern Studies Centre

University of Manitoba

York University


Wetland occupies 14% of the Canadian landscape and yields non-negligible influence on hydrological sources distribution, water quality and quantity, climate change as well as wildlife habitats. Hence, to understand and characterize the hydrological systems of wetlands is inevitable and crucial for the purpose of modeling the water cycle and predicting how the water cycle may vary in the next century.

The hydrology of a wetland system is spatially and temporally complex as a result of the transition between connected and disconnected fresh water ponds within shallow topographical depressions and surrounding terrestrial landscapes. Such complexities make the study of wetland hydrology a challenging task. This is particularly so in sub-arctic wetlands because of special environmental conditions, such as long cold winters, extensive permafrost and peatlands, and broad boreal forest and tundra coverage. Recently, public recognition of their environmental significance has highlighted the need for a better understanding of hydrological processes in order to better conserve wetlands and predict responses to climate related impacts in northern regions. As a result of this importance, in-depth studies on the hydrologic cycle in sub-arctic wetlands and their sensitivity to climate change have become not only an urgent task for hydrologists and engineers but also an essential part of wetland and global change research. Therefore, to address the above issues, this research focuses on extensive field surveys and advanced hydrological modeling to quantify the components of energy and moisture cycling and explore interactions between water/carbon transport and climatic/geographic conditions in sub-arctic wetland systems. A representative sub-arctic wetland system, the Deer River watershed near Churchill in Manitoba, has been selected as the study area.


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@NRPOP Lab, 2007
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University, St. John's, NL, Canada A1B 3X5
Contact us at nrpop@engr.mun.ca