/****************************** Peterson's algorithm Init: r[0] = r[1] = false t = 0 For i elem {0,1} L0: // The noncritical section either stay in this state or advance to L1 L1: r[i] := true L2: t := 1-i L3: if not r[1-i] goto L5 L4: if t not=i goto L5 L5: // This is the critical section L6: r[i] := false; goto L1 ******************************/ typedef INDEX 0..1 ; typedef PC {L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6}; module main() { /***************** * The variable set ************/ pc: array INDEX of PC; r: array INDEX of boolean; t: INDEX; /****************** * Arbitrary value ******************/ act: INDEX ; /* The active process. */ arb : boolean ; /* The initial state */ init(t) := 0 ; forall (i in INDEX) { init(r[i]) := 0; init(pc[i]) := L0 ; } /* The algorithm */ switch( pc[act] ) { L0: { if( arb ) { next(pc[act]) := L0 ; } else { next(pc[act] ) := L1 ; next( r[act] ) := 1 ; } } L1: { next(pc[act] ) := L2 ; next(t) := 1-act ; } L2: { next(pc[act] ) := L3 ; } L3: { if( ~r[1-act] ) next(pc[act]) := L5 ; else next(pc[act]) := L4 ; } L4: { if( t=act ) next(pc[act]) := L5 ; else next(pc[act]) := L3 ; } L5: { next(pc[act]) := L6 ; next(r[act]) := 0 ;} L6: { next(pc[act]) := L0 ; } } /**************** * Mutual exclusion property (safety) * It is never the case that both processes are in the critical * section at the same time */ mutex : assert G ( pc[0] ~= L5 | pc[1] ~= L5 ) ; /**************** * Non starvation property (liveness) * If a process reaches L1, then eventually it will reach L5 */ forall (i in INDEX) { nonstarve[i] : assert G( pc[i]=L1 -> F( pc[i]=L5 ) ) ; } /***************** * Fairness assumption : * For each process, it is always the case that * eventually the process becomes active ************/ forall (i in INDEX) { fair[i]: assert G F(act = i); } forall (i in INDEX) { assume fair[i]; } /***************** * To prove the liveness property we must * Explicitly tell SMV to use the fairness properties */ forall (i in INDEX) { using fair[i], fair[1-i] prove nonstarve[i] ; } }