Engineering Institute of Canada Awards Banquet
Engineering Institute of Canada Awards Banquet was held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on March 2, 2001. The awards that were presented are shown here with some brief descriptions.

1.)   Mr. Gordon Jin, recipient of the Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal, being congratulated by Dr. John Plant, Executive Director - Engineering Institute of Canada. The CPR Engineering Medal is awarded in recognition of many years of leadership and service to the Engineering Institute of Canada and its Member Societies at the Regional and local levels.


2.) (above)   2001 Medal recipients and new FELLOWS of the EIC. All of the medal recipients and new FELLOWS are members of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.

Back Row (L to R): Dr. Robert Loov, FEIC; Mr. Gordon Jin, recipient of the Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal; Dr. Alan Davenport, recipient of the Julian C. Smith Medal, and Mr. Roger Nicolet, FEIC. The Julian C. Smith Medal is the most distinguished award of the Society, awarded in recognition of outstanding service to the profession or for noteworthy contributions to the science of engineering or to the benefit of the Engineeirng Institute of Canada.

Front Row (L to R, kneeling): Dr. Daniel Smith, FEIC; and Mr. Colin Campbell, recipient of the John B. Stirling Medal. This medal is awarded in recognition of leadership and service to the Engineering Institute of Canada and its Member Societies at the national level.

3.)   Ms. Linda Weaver, President of the EIC with Mr. Gordon Jin, as the citation is being read for the CPR Engineering Medal.

4.)   Ms. Linda Weaver, President of the EIC presenting Mr. Gordon Jin, with the Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal and citation.

5.)   Dr. Rebecca Law, Mr. Gordon Jin, and Dr. K.Y. Lo, P.Eng., Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario. The K.Y. Lo Medal was established by a former group of students in 1997 to honour Dr. K.Y. Lo from the University of Western Ontario. EIC awards this medal annually to an engineer in recognition of significant engineering contributions at the international level.

6.)   Mr. Gordon Jin, as EIC citation is being read before presentation of the Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal.

  Partial excerpt of the EIC citation.....

  "Mr. Jin is a graduate of Memorial University with an engineering career covering design, construction and rehabilitation of civil/structural projects. He has provided tireless and dedicated leadership to the development of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers for Newfoundland, and has developed continuing education, membership and fund raising concepts adopted at the national level of CSCE. The development of CSCE in Newfoundland and Labrador owes much to the dedication, enthusiasm and commitment of Gordon Jin. Similarly he has been active with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland as a volunteer on numerous committees, with particular reference to aiding and developing students and young engineers and Engineers-in-Training...... Gordon Jin truly represents the ideal of the CP Medal recipient for service and leadership in the branch and regional levels of the EIC and its constituent societies."

7.)   Mr. Roger Barker - CEO and Registrar of PEO, Dr. Rebecca Law and Gordon Jin at EIC Cocktail Reception.


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Last Updated February 4, 2001 10:59:20 PM