6806 Organizational Details

The following is a summary of the organizational details for the course, including a list of deliverables. In the past this course has been cited as a cause of students missing class or otherwise neglecting their other courses, so a number of steps have been implemented to try to prevent this, and these are outlined below.


Three laboratory spaces will be used this term EN1038A, EN1038B and EN3076. Each team will have assigned space in EN1038A or EN1038B and the rally course will be set up in EN3076.

You will have after-hours access to these labs, but this is conditional on you following all laboratory rules, which include:


The following are to be submitted by each team:
  1. Weekly timesheets: In most engineering projects the most significant cost is salaries, which usually directly relates to time billed to the project by the engineers involved. Since one of the goals of this course is that you practice managing your team resources (you already have lots of experience in managing your individual resources), we want you to track and report the hours worked on the project. A team timesheet spreadsheet will be provided for each team in the team repository. This is to be updated by 5pm on each Monday to include, for each member of the team, the hours worked in the previous week (Monday 00:00:00 - Sunday 23:59:59). You should be aware that the nominal budget for the whole term is 650 hours for five person teams and 780 hours for 6 person teams (130 hours per team member). Teams exceeding these numbers may be asked to explain their inefficiencies.
  2. Demos: These are described in detail on another page: Demo 1 and Demo 2. The goal of these is to get you on track with an incremental process, and that you demonstrate progress in your increments towards the final goal.
  3. Documentation: In keeping with the incremental process, you are expected to maintain live documents of your design. You will submit current versions for evaluation a week before each of the demonstrations (Oct. 1 and Oct. 22), and then the final form at the end of the term (Nov. 30). We will provide a document template on which to base your documents.

    Note that the documents are intended to be design documents, not "project reports". The primary focus of the document should be to present the current design of your solution, rather than to describe the project or your progress. The document should be in present tense, simply stating the facts, rather than narrative style. It is appropriate to include some discussion of how and why your design has been changed as the project has progressed, or how it is expected to, or should (i.e., if you had time) be changed, but this should be a smaller portion of the document. Appropriate use of figures (e.g., block diagrams, circuit diagrams and UML diagrams) is essential to good technical communication.

  4. Final Competition As described in the project description the final trial will be in the form of a competition between teams.
  5. Logbook Each team member is required to keep a logbook, which is to be kept current during the semester and to be submitted at the end of the term. Note that you should not be transcribing or writing up your logbook, but rather should use it as a place to keep notes as you make them (i.e., don't write things on other paper then copy them into the logbook). It is appropriate to write a few notes summarizing your activities as they progress or at the end of a brief time working on the project. Logbooks are not expected to be neat. In addition to being submitted at the end of the term, we will be doing spot-checks of your logbooks -- we may ask to see your logbook at any time that we find you working on the project and will take note if it is out of date.
  6. Peer evaluation As outlined in the evaluation, each student will be asked for their assessment of how much was contributed by each member of the team. This will be used in adjusting team member's individual marks.


We will hold review meetings with each team on Oct. 4 and Oct. 25. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss your design and progress so far, and for you to seek advice or air any issues that you have encountered. You should come to these meetings prepared to give an overview of your design and progress and any obstacles that you see. Of course, you do not have to wait for these meetings to seek out any of the instructors -- if you encounter any problems, or want to ask any questions, you should contact one or both of us by the usual means (i.e., office, e-mail, phone).
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Last modified $Date: 2007-08-17 10:29:09 -0230 (Fri, 17 Aug 2007) $ ($Revision: 68 $) by $Author: dpeters $.