Visual Basic 5.0 Source Code

LinSys.vbp         ©1999 Dr. Glyn George

Program to carry out the tedious arithmetic of row operations in the reduction of a linear system of equations (or a matrix) to echelon form.   The user must decide what row operation to perform at each step.
Screen and file version, with user choice of file name.

The vast majority of the code is in the file "linsys.frm".

The code is split between four files:

Contents of the file "linsys.vbp":

Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
Description="Row Reduction of Linear Systems"
VersionCompanyName="Faculty of Engineering"

Contents of the file "linsys.vbw":

Form1 = 23, 23, 449, 360, Z, 46, 46, 472, 383, C

Contents of the file "linsys.frx" (all on one line):

ïEnter the rational coefficients (numerator / denominator) of the
    linear system of equations.   Select the row to change [and the
    row to use and row factor if applicable].    Then click the button
    corresponding to your chosen row operation.

Contents of the file "linsys.frm" (the majority of the code):

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Caption         =   "Row Reduction of a Linear System"
   ClientHeight    =   6045
   ClientLeft      =   75
   ClientTop       =   435
   ClientWidth     =   11310
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   ScaleHeight     =   6045
   ScaleWidth      =   11310
   Begin VB.TextBox txtNumCols 
      Height          =   285
      Left            =   9720
      TabIndex        =   116
      Text            =   "7"
      Top             =   5160
      Width           =   375
   Begin VB.TextBox txtNumRows 
      Height          =   285
      Left            =   9720
      TabIndex        =   115
      Text            =   "6"
      Top             =   4920
      Width           =   375
   Begin VB.Frame fraUse 
      Caption         =   "Row to Use"
      Height          =   1815
      Left            =   5880
      TabIndex        =   17
      Top             =   4200
      Width           =   1335
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 6"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   6
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   118
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 5"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   22
         Top             =   1200
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 4"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   4
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   21
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 3"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   20
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 2"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   19
         Top             =   480
         Value           =   -1  'True
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowB 
         Caption         =   "Row 1"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   18
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   855
   Begin VB.Frame fraFactor 
      Caption         =   "Row factor"
      Height          =   1335
      Left            =   7320
      TabIndex        =   14
      Top             =   4200
      Width           =   1095
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDenFactor 
         Height          =   285
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   16
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   840
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNumFactor 
         Height          =   285
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   15
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.Line Line1 
         X1              =   240
         X2              =   840
         Y1              =   720
         Y2              =   720
   Begin VB.Frame fraOperation 
      Caption         =   "Row Operation to Perform"
      Height          =   1815
      Left            =   1680
      TabIndex        =   9
      Top             =   4200
      Width           =   4095
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdLinComb 
         Caption         =   "&Subtract multiple of 2nd row from 1st"
         Height          =   495
         Left            =   1680
         TabIndex        =   13
         Top             =   1200
         Width           =   2175
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSwap 
         Caption         =   "&Interchange two rows"
         Height          =   375
         Left            =   1680
         TabIndex        =   12
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   2175
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDiv 
         Caption         =   "&Divide Row by Constant"
         Height          =   375
         Left            =   1680
         TabIndex        =   11
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   2175
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdReduce 
         BackColor       =   &H00004000&
         Caption         =   "&Reduce Fractions Now"
         Default         =   -1  'True
         Height          =   1215
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   10
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.Frame fraChange 
      Caption         =   "Row to Change"
      Height          =   1815
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   3
      Top             =   4200
      Width           =   1455
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 6"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   6
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   117
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 5"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   8
         Top             =   1200
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 4"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   4
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   7
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 3"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   6
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 2"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.OptionButton optRowA 
         Caption         =   "Row 1"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   4
         Top             =   240
         Value           =   -1  'True
         Width           =   855
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdQuit 
      BackColor       =   &H000000FF&
      Caption         =   "&Quit"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   8520
      Style           =   1  'Graphical
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   4200
      Width           =   735
   Begin VB.Frame fraMatrix 
      Caption         =   "Matrix of Coefficients of the Linear System   (numerator/denominator) "
      Height          =   3495
      Left            =   0
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   600
      Width           =   11175
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   42
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   107
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   41
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   106
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   40
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   105
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   39
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   104
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   38
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   103
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   37
         Left            =   9720
         TabIndex        =   102
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   42
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   101
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   41
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   100
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   40
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   99
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   39
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   98
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   38
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   97
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   37
         Left            =   9000
         TabIndex        =   96
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   36
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   95
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   35
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   94
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   34
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   93
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   33
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   92
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   32
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   91
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   31
         Left            =   8280
         TabIndex        =   90
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   36
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   89
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   35
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   88
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   34
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   87
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   33
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   86
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   32
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   85
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   31
         Left            =   7560
         TabIndex        =   84
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   30
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   83
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   29
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   82
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   28
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   81
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   27
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   80
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   26
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   79
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   25
         Left            =   6840
         TabIndex        =   78
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   30
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   77
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   29
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   76
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   28
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   75
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   27
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   74
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   26
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   73
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   25
         Left            =   6120
         TabIndex        =   72
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   24
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   71
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   23
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   70
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   22
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   69
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   21
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   68
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   20
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   67
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   19
         Left            =   5400
         TabIndex        =   66
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   24
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   65
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   23
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   64
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   22
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   63
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   21
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   62
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   20
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   61
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   19
         Left            =   4680
         TabIndex        =   60
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   18
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   59
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   17
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   58
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   16
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   57
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   15
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   56
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   14
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   55
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   13
         Left            =   3960
         TabIndex        =   54
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   18
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   53
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   17
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   52
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   16
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   51
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   15
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   50
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   14
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   49
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   13
         Left            =   3240
         TabIndex        =   48
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   12
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   47
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   11
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   46
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   10
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   45
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   9
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   44
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   8
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   43
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   7
         Left            =   2520
         TabIndex        =   42
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   6
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   41
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   40
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   4
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   39
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   12
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   38
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   11
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   37
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   10
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   36
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   9
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   35
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   8
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   34
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   7
         Left            =   1800
         TabIndex        =   33
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   6
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   32
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2880
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   31
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   2400
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   4
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   30
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1920
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   29
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   28
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   1440
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   27
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   26
         Text            =   "0"
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.TextBox txtDen 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   1080
         TabIndex        =   25
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   495
      Begin VB.TextBox txtNum 
         Height          =   285
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   360
         TabIndex        =   24
         Text            =   "1"
         Top             =   480
         Width           =   615
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "7"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   7
         Left            =   9600
         TabIndex        =   125
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "6"
         Height          =   255
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         TabIndex        =   124
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "5"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   6720
         TabIndex        =   123
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "4"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   4
         Left            =   5280
         TabIndex        =   122
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "3"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   3840
         TabIndex        =   121
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "2"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   2400
         TabIndex        =   120
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblColNumber 
         Caption         =   "1"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   960
         TabIndex        =   119
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
         Caption         =   "6"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   6
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   112
         Top             =   2920
         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
         Caption         =   "5"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   5
         Left            =   120
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
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      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
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         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
         Caption         =   "2"
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         Left            =   120
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         Top             =   1000
         Width           =   255
      Begin VB.Label lblRowNumber 
         Caption         =   "1"
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   23
         Top             =   520
         Width           =   255
   Begin VB.Label lblDim2 
      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
      Caption         =   "# columns: "
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   8520
      TabIndex        =   114
      Top             =   5200
      Width           =   1095
   Begin VB.Label lblDim1 
      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
      Caption         =   "# rows: "
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   8640
      TabIndex        =   113
      Top             =   4960
      Width           =   975
   Begin VB.Label lblInstructions 
      Caption         =   $"linsys.frx":0000
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   9135
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False

' LinSys.vbp                                 (c)1999 Dr. Glyn George
' Program to carry out the tedious arithmetic of row operations in
' the reduction of a linear system of equations (or a matrix) to
' echelon form.   The user must decide what row operation to perform
' at each step.
' Screen and file version, with user choice of file name.
' List of procedures created for this program:
'   Form_Load()         welcome message boxes; open output file.
'    IntroBox()  print introductory information in a message box
'    OpenFile()  open the user's chosen output file
'   Dimension(numRows as Integer, numCols as Integer)
'                    - get and validate # rows & columns from user
'   SetUpForm(numRows as Integer, numCols as Integer)
'            - initialize the form with the chosen # rows & columns
'   cmdReduce_Click()   reduce all fractions to lowest terms.
'   cmdLinComb_Click()  From rowA subtract the chosen multiple of rowB.
'   cmdDiv_Click()      Divide all coeff'ts in a row by a constant.
'   cmdSwap_Click()     Swap the two chosen rows.
'   cmdQuit_Click()     Terminate program execution.
'   ReduceAll(zeroDen As Integer):
'                     - Reduce all 43 fractions to lowest terms.
'   ReduceFraction(num As Long, den As Long):
'                   - cancels (num/den) down to lowest terms.
'   SelectedRowA()      Returns index number of row to change.
'   SelectedRowB()      Returns index number of row to use.
'   PrintSystem()       Print the linear system to the output file.
'   Format5R$(num As Long)
'                   - returns num as 5 digit right-adjusted string.
'   Format5L$(num As Long)
'                   - returns num as 5 digit left-adjusted string.

Sub ReduceAll(zeroDen As Integer)
' Reduce all 43 fractions to lowest terms.
' Parameters:
' zeroDen:  Error flag = # zero denominators.

' Procedures:
' ReduceFraction: reduce one fraction to lowest terms

' Local Variables:
'       i:  loop counter = array subscript in matrix of coefficients
'     num:  numerator of new entry in row A
'     den:  denominator of new entry in row A
Dim i As Integer
Dim num As Long, den As Long

Let zeroDen = 0

For i = 1 To 42
    Let num = Val(txtNum(i).Text)
    Let den = Val(txtDen(i).Text)
    Call ReduceFraction(num, den)
    Let txtNum(i).Text = Str(num)
    Let txtDen(i).Text = Str(den)
    If den = 0 Then Let zeroDen = zeroDen + 1
Next i

' Reduce row factor also.
Let num = Val(txtNumFactor.Text)
Let den = Val(txtDenFactor.Text)
Call ReduceFraction(num, den)
Let txtNumFactor.Text = Str(num)
Let txtDenFactor.Text = Str(den)
If den = 0 Then Let zeroDen = zeroDen + 1

End Sub

Sub ReduceFraction(num As Long, den As Long)
' ** SUBprogram **                   (c) 1991, 1998  **>>  G.H.  George  <<**
' Old QuickBASIC routine, adapted to this VisualBASIC program.
'               - cancels the fraction (num/den) down to lowest terms.

'   Procedures:
'  NextPrime:  returns the next prime number after the argument
'              [eliminated from this version]

'   Parameters: (both should be from arguments passed by reference)
'        num:  numerator of the fraction to be reduced
'        den:  denominator of the fraction to be reduced

'   Local Variables:
'    Proceed:  logical variable (= true if further reduction may be needed)
'      Prime:  prime number; used to test num & den for common factors
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.

Dim Proceed As Boolean, Prime As Long
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String

Let Proceed = True                    ' no special cases - yet.

If den = 0 Then
    Let Proceed = False               ' Avoid zero denominator entirely.
    Let Prompt = "A fraction has a zero denominator.   "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "Change any zero denominators to non-zero "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "before proceeding any further."
    Let Title = "Error:    Division by zero."
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
ElseIf num = 0 Then                   ' Check for zero numerator.
    Let den = 1
    Let Proceed = False               '  and no need to reduce further.
ElseIf den < 0 Then                   ' Make denominator positive.
    Let num = -num                    ' - but further reduction may
    Let den = -den                    '   be needed.
ElseIf Abs(num) = 1 Or den = 1 Then
    Let Proceed = False               ' No reduction needed for unit
End If                                '  numerator or denominator.

If Proceed Then                       ' Proceed with main routine ONLY
    Let Prime = 2                     '  when no special cases detected.

         If num / Prime = Int(num / Prime) Then
            Let Proceed = True        ' Test divisibility of numerator.
            Let Proceed = False
         End If
         If den / Prime <> Int(den / Prime) Then
            Let Proceed = False       ' Test divisibility of denominator.
         End If
         If Proceed Then              ' Divide out by common factor found.
            Let num = num / Prime
            Let den = den / Prime
         End If
      Loop While Proceed              ' Try same prime again if it's
                                      '  a common factor of num & den.
'      Let Prime = NextPrime&(Prime)  '  else go to next prime number.
      Let Prime = Prime + 1
   Loop Until Prime > Abs(num) Or Prime > den
                                      ' until lowest terms.
End If

End Sub

Function SelectedRowA()
' Return the row index number of the row the user has chosen to change.

' No explicit parameters or procedures.

' Local Variables:
'      i:   loop counter = subscript of array of radio buttons
Dim i As Integer

Let i = 1

    If optRowA(i).Value = True Then
        Let SelectedRowA = i
        Exit Do
    End If
    Let i = i + 1

End Function

Function SelectedRowB()
' Return the row index number of the row the user has chosen to use.

' No explicit parameters or procedures.

' Local Variables:
'      i:   loop counter = subscript of array of radio buttons
Dim i As Integer

Let i = 1

    If optRowB(i).Value = True Then
        Let SelectedRowB = i
        Exit Do
    End If
    Let i = i + 1

End Function

Sub PrintSystem()
' Print the linear system to the output file.

' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'  Format5R$:   print integer in exactly 5 spaces, right-adjusted
'  Format5L$:   print integer in exactly 5 spaces, left-adjusted

' Local Variables:
'  numRows:   number of rows in the linear system
'  numCols:   number of columns in the linear system
'      row:   outer loop counter = row number in matrix
'      col:   inner loop counter = column number in matrix
'      num:   numerator of current array element to be printed
'      den:   denominator of current array element to be printed
Dim numRows As Integer, numCols As Integer
Dim row As Integer, col As Integer
Dim num As Long, den As Long

Let numRows = Val(txtNumRows.Text)
Let numCols = Val(txtNumCols.Text)

Print #1, "Linear System:"
Print #1,

For row = 1 To numRows
    Print #1, "Row"; RTrim$(Str(row)); ":";
    For col = 1 To numCols
        Let num = Val(txtNum(row + (col - 1) * 6).Text)
        Let den = Val(txtDen(row + (col - 1) * 6).Text)
        Print #1, Format5R$(num); "/"; Format5L$(den);
    Next col
    Print #1,
Next row

Print #1,
Print #1, String$(77, "-")

End Sub

Function Format5R$(num As Long)
' Format an integer for printing as a right-adjusted string in
' exactly 5 spaces.   Where necessary, pad with leading spaces.
' Note: number will overflow without any error message if
'       num < -9999 or num > 99999
' [This was so much easier with "PRINT USING" in QuickBASIC!]

' Parameters:
'      num: the integer to be printed in 5 spaces.
' No procedures or local variables.

Select Case num
  Case 0 To 9
    Let Format5R$ = "    " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
  Case -9 To -1, 10 To 99
    Let Format5R$ = "   " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
  Case -99 To -10, 100 To 999
    Let Format5R$ = "  " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
  Case -999 To -100, 1000 To 9999
    Let Format5R$ = " " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
  Case Else
    Let Format5R$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
End Select

End Function

Function Format5L$(num As Long)
' Format an integer for printing as a left-adjusted string in
' exactly 5 spaces.   Where necessary, pad with trailing spaces.
' Note: number will overflow without any error message if
'       num < -99999 or num > 999999
' [This was so much easier with "PRINT USING" in QuickBASIC!]

' Parameters:
'      num: the integer to be printed in 5 spaces.
' No procedures or local variables.

Select Case num
  Case 0 To 9
    Let Format5L$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num))) + "    "
  Case -9 To -1, 10 To 99
    Let Format5L$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num))) + "   "
  Case -99 To -10, 100 To 999
    Let Format5L$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num))) + "  "
  Case -999 To -100, 1000 To 9999
    Let Format5L$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num))) + " "
  Case Else
    Let Format5L$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str(num)))
End Select

End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Start up:  show welcome message boxes and open output file.

' No explicit parameters or local variables.

' Procedures:
'    IntroBox:  print introductory information in a message box
'    OpenFile:  open the user's chosen output file
'   Dimension:  get and validate # rows & columns from user
'   SetUpForm:  initialize the form with the chosen # rows & columns

' Local Variables:
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'   fileName:  name of the output file.
'    NumRows:  number of rows in the linear system.
'    NumCols:  number of columns in the linear system.
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String, fileName As String
Dim numRows As Integer, numCols As Integer

Call IntroBox
Call OpenFile
Call Dimension(numRows, numCols)
Call SetUpForm(numRows, numCols)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdReduce_Click()
' Reduce all 31 fractions on screen to lowest terms.
' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'      ReduceAll: reduce all 31 fractions to lowest terms

' Local variables:
' zeroDen:  number of zero denominators on screen (must be 0!)
Dim zeroDen As Integer

Call ReduceAll(zeroDen)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdLinComb_Click()
' From row A subtract the chosen multiple of row B.
' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'   SelectedRowA: find out which row the user has chosen to change
'   SelectedRowB: find out which row the user has chosen to use
'      ReduceAll: reduce all fractions to lowest terms
' ReduceFraction: reduce one fraction to lowest terms
'    PrintSystem: print the entire linear system as it now stands
'                 to the output file

' Local variables:
'    rowA:  index number of the row that the user wishes to change
'    rowB:  index number of the other row
' zeroDen:  number of zero denominators on screen (must be 0!)
'  numFac:  numerator of the factor multiplying row B
'  denFac:  denominator of the factor multiplying row B
'  Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'   Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'     col:  loop counter = column number in matrix of coefficients
'    i, j:  array index numbers (i for row A, j for row B)
'    Num1:  numerator of current entry in row A
'    Den1:  denominator of current entry in row A
'    Num2:  numerator of fraction to be subtracted from current entry
'    Den2:  denominator of fraction to be subtracted from current entry
'     num:  numerator of new entry in row A
'     den:  denominator of new entry in row A
Dim rowA As Integer, rowB As Integer, zeroDen As Integer
Dim col As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Num1 As Long, Den1 As Long, Num2 As Long, Den2 As Long
Dim numFac As Long, denFac As Long, num As Long, den As Long
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String

Call ReduceAll(zeroDen)
Let rowA = SelectedRowA
Let rowB = SelectedRowB
Let numFac = Val(txtNumFactor.Text)
Let denFac = Val(txtDenFactor.Text)

' Error traps:
If zeroDen > 0 Then
'   An error message was presented in SUB ReduceFraction.
'   Simply skip all code in this SUB.
ElseIf rowA = rowB Then
    Let Prompt = "You have chosen to subtract a multiple "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "of row " + Str(rowB) + " from itself!   "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "This is a forbidden row operation."
    Let Title = "Error:    Same row chosen twice"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
ElseIf numFac = 0 Then
    Let Prompt = "You have chosen a trivial multiple (zero) of row "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + Str(rowB) + " to subtract from row"
    Let Prompt = Prompt + Str(rowA) + ".   Try again."
    Let Title = "Error:    No change to linear system"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
' Here only if choices are valid:
    Call PrintSystem
    For col = 0 To 6
        Let i = rowA + 6 * col
        Let j = rowB + 6 * col
        Let Num1 = Val(txtNum(i).Text)
        Let Den1 = Val(txtDen(i).Text)
        Let Num2 = Val(txtNum(j).Text) * numFac
        Let Den2 = Val(txtDen(j).Text) * denFac
        Let num = Num1 * Den2 - Den1 * Num2
        Let den = Den1 * Den2
        Call ReduceFraction(num, den)
        Let txtNum(i).Text = Str(num)
        Let txtDen(i).Text = Str(den)
    Next col
    Print #1, "Selected row operation:    Subtract ";
    Print #1, numFac; "/"; denFac; "times row"; rowB;
    Print #1, "from row"; rowA; "."
    Print #1,
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDiv_Click()
' Divide all coefficients in the chosen row by the chosen factor.

' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'      ReduceAll: reduce all fractions to lowest terms
' ReduceFraction: reduce one fraction to lowest terms
'    PrintSystem: print the entire linear system as it now stands
'                 to the output file
'   SelectedRowA: find out which row the user has chosen to change

' Local variables:
'    rowA:  index number of the row that the user wishes to change
' zeroDen:  number of zero denominators on screen (must be 0!)
'  numFac:  numerator of the factor multiplying the chosen row
'  denFac:  denominator of the factor multiplying the chosen row
'  Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'   Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'       i:  loop counter = array subscript in matrix of coefficients
'     num:  numerator of new entry in row A
'     den:  denominator of new entry in row A
Dim rowA As Integer, zeroDen As Integer, i As Integer
Dim numFac As Long, denFac As Long, num As Long, den As Long
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String

Call ReduceAll(zeroDen)
Let numFac = Val(txtNumFactor.Text)
Let denFac = Val(txtDenFactor.Text)

' Error traps:
If zeroDen > 0 Then
'   An error message was presented in SUB ReduceFraction.
'   Simply skip all code in this SUB.
ElseIf denFac = 0 Then
    Let Prompt = "To multiply a row by zero is an invalid row "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "operation!   Try another factor."
    Let Title = "Error:    Row multiplication by zero"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
ElseIf numFac = 0 Then
    Let Prompt = "To divide a row by zero is an invalid arithmetic "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "operation!   Try another factor."
    Let Title = "Error:    Division by zero"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
ElseIf numFac = 1 And denFac = 1 Then
    Let Prompt = "You have chosen a trivial factor (one) by which "
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "to divide a row!   Try another factor."
    Let Title = "Error:    No change to linear system"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)

' Here only if choices are valid:
    Call PrintSystem
    Let rowA = SelectedRowA
    For i = rowA To 42 Step 6
        Let num = Val(txtNum(i).Text) * denFac
        Let den = Val(txtDen(i).Text) * numFac
        Call ReduceFraction(num, den)
        Let txtNum(i).Text = Str(num)
        Let txtDen(i).Text = Str(den)
    Next i
    Print #1, "Selected row operation:    Divide row"; rowA;
    Print #1, "by "; numFac; "/"; denFac; "."
    Print #1,
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSwap_Click()
' Swap the two chosen rows.
' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'   SelectedRowA: find out which row the user has chosen to change
'   SelectedRowB: find out which row the user has chosen to use
'      ReduceAll: reduce all fractions to lowest terms
' ReduceFraction: reduce one fraction to lowest terms
'    PrintSystem: print the entire linear system as it now stands
'                 to the output file

' Local variables:
'    rowA:  index number of the row that the user wishes to change
'    rowB:  index number of the other row
' zeroDen:  number of zero denominators on screen (dummy here)
'  Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'   Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'       j:  loop counter; related to array subscript number
'       a:  entry from row A to be placed in row B
'       b:  entry from row B to be placed in row A
Dim rowA As Integer, rowB As Integer, j As Integer, zeroDen As Integer
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String
Dim a As Long, b As Long

Call ReduceAll(zeroDen)
Let rowA = SelectedRowA
Let rowB = SelectedRowB

If rowA = rowB Then
    Let Prompt = "Error:  you have chosen to swap a row with itself!"
    Let Prompt = Prompt + "    Choose a pair of distinct rows to swap."
    Let Title = "Error:    Same row chosen twice"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
    Call PrintSystem
    For j = 0 To 36 Step 6
        Let a = Val(txtNum(j + rowA).Text)
        Let b = Val(txtNum(j + rowB).Text)
        Let txtNum(j + rowA).Text = Str(b)
        Let txtNum(j + rowB).Text = Str(a)
        Let a = Val(txtDen(j + rowA).Text)
        Let b = Val(txtDen(j + rowB).Text)
        Let txtDen(j + rowA).Text = Str(b)
        Let txtDen(j + rowB).Text = Str(a)
    Next j
    Print #1, "Selected row operation:    Swap rows"; rowA;
    Print #1, "and"; rowB; "."
    Print #1,
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
' Termination subprogram - last chance for user to abort exit.

' No explicit parameters.

' Procedures:
'    PrintSystem: print the entire linear system as it now stands
'                 to the output file

' Local variables:
'       flag:  option in message box clicked by the user.
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String
Dim flag As Integer

Let Prompt = "Do you really, really want to terminate this program?"
Let Title = "Confirm exit"
Let flag = MsgBox(Prompt, vbYesNo, Title)
If flag = vbYes Then            ' Return to program if "No" clicked
    If FreeFile > 1 Then        ' Can't print if no file open!
        Call PrintSystem
        Print #1,
        Print #1, "Program execution terminated."
    End If
End If

End Sub

Sub IntroBox()
'   Print introductory information in a message box.

' No explicit parameters or procedures.

' Local Variables:
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String

Let Prompt = "This program is *not* a black box for solving linear "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "systems.    "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "You must decide what row operations to "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "perform and in what order.    "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "This program will then carry out the "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "tedious arithmetic."
Let Title = "Welcome to the LINSYS.VBP program"
Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbInformation, Title)

End Sub

Sub OpenFile()
'   Open the user's chosen output file + chance to abort run.

' No explicit parameters or procedures.

' Local Variables:
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'   fileName:  name of the output file.
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String, fileName As String

Let Prompt = "In addition to screen output, results will be sent "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "to a file of your choice.   "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "Be sure that the file name that you choose "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "is valid, with write access.   If you "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "select a floppy or zip drive for your output, "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "then ensure that you have a diskette ready in "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "that drive.   Note that this program can't "
Let Prompt = Prompt + "cope with invalid file names."
Let Title = "Select a filename for the output"
Let fileName = InputBox(Prompt, Title, "A:\t.txt")

If fileName = "" Then                      ' User chooses to abort run.
    Let Prompt = "Program execution cancelled." + Chr$(13)
    Let Prompt = Prompt + Chr$(13) + "Have a nice day."
    Let Title = "Cancel program execution"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbCritical, Title)
    Open fileName For Output As #1
    Print #1, "Program to handle the Arithmetic in the Row Reduction ";
    Print #1, "of a Linear System"
    Print #1, "VisualBASIC version (c)1999, Glyn George."
    Print #1,
End If

End Sub

Sub Dimension(numRows As Integer, numCols As Integer)
'   Input and validate # rows & columns in the linear system.

' Parameters:
'    numRows:  number of rows in the linear system.
'    numCols:  number of columns in the linear system.

' No procedures.

' Local Variables:
'     Prompt:  text of the prompt for a message box.
'      Title:  text of the title bar for a message box.
'          n:  number entered by the user (for numRows or numCols).
Dim Prompt As String, Title As String
Dim n As Double

Let Prompt = "How many rows (2-6) in your linear system?"
Let Title = "Enter # rows of linear system"
Let n = InputBox(Prompt, Title, 3)

Do While n < 2 Or n > 6 Or n <> Int(n)
    Let Prompt = "The number of rows must be one of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6."
    Let Prompt = Prompt + Chr$(13) + "Try again."
    Let Title = "Error:  Invalid number of rows"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
    Let Prompt = "How many rows (2-6) in your linear system?"
    Let Title = "Enter # rows of linear system"
    Let n = InputBox(Prompt, Title, 3)

Let numRows = CInt(n)
Let txtNumRows.Text = Str(numRows)
Let txtNumRows.Locked = True        ' Hide # rows info on form
Let txtNumRows.Visible = False
Let lblDim1.Visible = False

Let Prompt = "How many columns (2-7) (including any right side constants)"
Let Prompt = Prompt + Chr$(13) + "in your linear system?"
Let Title = "Enter # columns of linear system"
Let n = InputBox(Prompt, Title, 4)

Do While n < 2 Or n > 7 Or n <> Int(n)
    Let Prompt = "The number of columns must be one of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7."
    Let Prompt = Prompt + Chr$(13) + "Try again."
    Let Title = "Error:  Invalid number of columns"
    Call MsgBox(Prompt, vbExclamation, Title)
    Let Prompt = "How many columns (2-7) in your linear system?"
    Let Title = "Enter # columns of linear system"
    Let n = InputBox(Prompt, Title, 4)

Let numCols = CInt(n)
Let txtNumCols.Text = Str(numCols)
Let txtNumCols.Locked = True        ' Hide # cols info on form
Let txtNumCols.Visible = False
Let lblDim2.Visible = False

End Sub

Sub SetUpForm(ByVal numRows As Integer, ByVal numCols As Integer)
'   Initialize the form with the chosen # rows & columns.

' Parameters:
'    numRows:  number of rows in the linear system.
'    numCols:  number of columns in the linear system.

' No procedures.

' Local Variables:
'        row:  outer loop counter = current row #
'        col:  inner loop counter = current column #
Dim row As Integer, col As Integer

For row = 1 To 6
                                ' Hide labels of unwanted row.
    If row > numRows Then
        Let lblRowNumber(row).Visible = False
        Let optRowA(row).Visible = False
        Let optRowB(row).Visible = False
    End If
    For col = 1 To 7            ' Numerators
                                ' Identity is default
        If col = row Or col = row + numRows Then
            Let txtNum((col - 1) * 6 + row).Text = Str$(1)
            Let txtNum((col - 1) * 6 + row).Text = Str$(0)
        End If
                                ' Denominators (all = 1)
        Let txtDen((col - 1) * 6 + row).Text = Str$(1)
                                ' Hide unwanted elements
        If row > numRows Or col > numCols Then
            Let txtNum((col - 1) * 6 + row).Visible = False
            Let txtDen((col - 1) * 6 + row).Visible = False
        End If

    Next col
Next row

For col = (numCols + 1) To 7    ' Hide unwanted column labels
    Let lblColNumber(col).Visible = False
Next col
End Sub


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Created 1999 08 13 and modified 2000 08 04 by
Dr. G.H. George