Uses of Class

Packages that use NetworkException
ctf.evaluation.simulator Simulator test code 
ctf.evaluation.simulator.handshaking Test code for the Play state 
ctf.evaluation.simulator.responses Replies that the simulator may send us 
ctf.evaluation.simulator.setup Network support TCP networking 

Uses of NetworkException in ctf.evaluation.simulator

Methods in ctf.evaluation.simulator that throw NetworkException
          Blue team
 void ConnectionManager.enterState(ConnectionManager.STEALState state)
          Get the controllers into a particular STEAL state.
protected  void ConnectionManager.openConnections()
          Open controller connections
protected  void DualController.placeFlag(Connection connection, Point flag)
protected  void CLI.placeFlag(Point flag)
protected  void DualController.placeTree(Connection connection, Point tree)
protected  void CLI.placeTree(Point tree)
          Red team
protected  void DualController.sendCommand(Connection connection, java.lang.String command)
protected  void CLI.sendCommand(java.lang.String command)

Uses of NetworkException in ctf.evaluation.simulator.handshaking

Methods in ctf.evaluation.simulator.handshaking that throw NetworkException
 void Version.setUp()
          Get into the Version state
 void Start.setUp()
          Set up for a test
 void Version.testGarbageString()
          A controller sends a garbage string
 void Start.testMisspelledStartString()
          A team misspells the initialisation string.
 void Start.testMisspelledTeamName()
          A team misspells its name.
 void Start.testNormalStart()
          Normal start sequence.
 void Version.testNormalVersion()
          Normal Version sequence
 void Start.testSendingFubar()
          A team sends a completely invalid string.
 void Version.testStartCommandInVersionState()
          A controller sends a Start command in the Version state
 void Version.testWrongSTEALVersion()
          A controller requests an unsupported STEAL version
 void Start.testWrongYear()
          A team uses the wrong year.

Uses of NetworkException in

Methods in that throw NetworkException
 void PlayTestCase.setUp()
          Initialize the field with tree, flag and player locations.
 void PlayerPositions.setUp()
          Initialize the field with tree, flag and player locations.
 void PlayTestCase.tearDown()
 void PlayerPositions.testDefaultPlacement()
          Ensure that players are placed in default locations and orientations
protected  void PlayTestCase.turnTo(Connection connection, Side side, int player, double turnTo)
          Turn a player to a heading

Uses of NetworkException in ctf.evaluation.simulator.responses

Constructors in ctf.evaluation.simulator.responses that throw NetworkException
CommandResponse(Connection connection)
CTFResponse(Connection connection)
ErrorResponse(Connection connection)
ErrorResponse(Connection connection, boolean errorIfNotClosed)
ErrorResponses(Connection offender, Connection innocent)
GameOverResponse(Connection connection, GameOverResponse.Result expectedOutcome)
PlacementResponse(Connection connection)
Response(Connection connection, java.lang.String pattern)
          Constructor (does not check the response against a regex pattern).
Response(Connection connection, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String name)
SideResponse(Connection connection)
StateResponse(Connection connection)
TreesResponse(Connection connection)
          Public constructor
VersionResponse(Connection connection)

Uses of NetworkException in ctf.evaluation.simulator.setup

Methods in ctf.evaluation.simulator.setup that throw NetworkException
protected  void connection, double x, double y)
          Place a flag at an (x,y) location
protected  void connection, double x, double y)
          Place a tree at a specific (x,y) location
protected  void connection, Point point)
          Place a flag at a specific point
protected  void connection, Point point)
          Place a tree at a specific point
protected  void PlaceTrees.placeNormal(Connection connection, Side side)
          Place one side's trees in the standard locations
 void PlaceFlag.setUp()
          Get into the PlaceFlag state
 void RequestSide.setUp()
          Get into the Version state
 void PlaceTrees.setUp()
          Get into the PlaceTrees state
 void PlaceFlag.testBottomEdgeOfTheField()
          Flags may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceTrees.testBottomEdgeOfTheField()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceFlag.testCentreLine()
          Flags may not be placed within 1m of the centre line
 void PlaceTrees.testCentreLine()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the centre line
 void PlaceTrees.testCentreToCentreDistance()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the centre line
 void RequestSide.testComplimentaryRequests()
          Normal RequestSide sequence, teams request different sides
 void PlaceFlag.testFlagOnEnemySide()
          A team may not place a flag on the opposing side of the field
 void PlaceFlag.testFlagPlayerDistance()
          Flags may not be placed within 25m of a player's starting position
 void RequestSide.testInvalidSideRequest()
          Red asks for an invalid side.
 void PlaceFlag.testJail()
          A flag may not be placed with 1m of a jail
 void PlaceTrees.testJail()
          A tree may not be placed with 1m of a jail
 void PlaceFlag.testLeftEdgeOfTheField()
          Flags may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceTrees.testLeftEdgeOfTheField()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceFlag.testNormalPlacement()
          Flags are placed in default locations
 void PlaceTrees.testNormalPlacement()
          Trees are placed in default locations
 void PlaceTrees.testPartialPlacement()
          After some of a team's trees have been placed, the other team sends a getTrees query.
 void PlaceFlag.testRightEdgeOfTheField()
          Flags may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceTrees.testRightEdgeOfTheField()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void RequestSide.testSideContention()
          Normal RequestSide sequence, both teams request same side.
 void PlaceFlag.testTopEdgeOfTheField()
          Flags may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceTrees.testTopEdgeOfTheField()
          Trees may not be placed within 1m of the edge of the field
 void PlaceTrees.testTreePlayerDistance()
          Trees may not be placed within 1.2m of a player's starting position
 void PlaceTrees.testTreesOnEnemySide()
          A team may not place a tree on the opposing side of the field
 void PlaceFlag.testUnplacedFlag()
          If a team's flag has not been placed, the other team should still be able to poll for the current game state; the game time will just be 0.

Uses of NetworkException in

Subclasses of NetworkException in
 class SocketClosedException
          A socket has closed
 class TimeoutException
          Something timed out.
 class UninitializedSocketException
          A socket has not been initialised

Uses of NetworkException in

Methods in that throw NetworkException
 java.lang.String TestConnection.getLine()
 java.lang.String Connection.getLine()
          Receive a line (string terminated by newline) from the socket with the newline character removed.

Constructors in that throw NetworkException
CLI(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String colour, int side)