Uses of Class

Packages that use ParseException Network interface abstraction layer. 
game.protocol Implementation of the SCORE protocol. 
simulator.model Interface to concrete simulator models, which represent the state of the SOCCER game and implements the physical simulation. 

Uses of ParseException in

Methods in that throw ParseException
 Reply SCORETeam.accelerate(int t, int p, double a)
 Reply SCORETeam.end()
 Reply SCORETeam.getGameData()
 Reply SCORETeam.initGame(Side prefSide)
 Reply SCORETeam.kick(int t, int p, double v, double alpha)
 Reply SCORETeam.place_ball(int t, CartesianVect l)
 Reply SCORETeam.place_player(int t, int p, CartesianVect l)
 Reply SCORETeam.quit()
 Reply SCORETeam.set_time(int t, int newT)
 Reply SCORETeam.spin(int t, int p, double av)

Uses of ParseException in game.protocol

Methods in game.protocol that throw ParseException
static Reply Reply.factory(java.lang.String msg)
          Factory for all replies.
static Request Request.factory(java.lang.String req)
          Factory for all requests.

Constructors in game.protocol that throw ParseException
AccelerateRequest(java.lang.String req)
AllReply(java.lang.String msg)
          Parse a normal reply
AllRequest(java.lang.String req)
ControlReply(java.lang.String msg)
EndReply(java.lang.String msg)
EndRequest(java.lang.String req)
GoalReply(java.lang.String msg)
KickRequest(java.lang.String req)
OnSideReply(java.lang.String msg)
PlaceBallRequest(java.lang.String req)
PlacePlayerRequest(java.lang.String req)
QuitReply(java.lang.String msg)
          Parse a quit reply.
QuitRequest(java.lang.String req)
ResetReply(java.lang.String msg)
SetTimeRequest(java.lang.String req)
SOCCER2008Reply(java.lang.String msg)
SOCCER2008Request(java.lang.String req)
SpinRequest(java.lang.String req)
WantSideRequest(java.lang.String req)

Uses of ParseException in simulator.model

Methods in simulator.model that throw ParseException
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.accelerate(int t, int p, double a)
          Send accelerate control request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.end()
          Instruct simulator to abort the game.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.getGameData()
          Send all feedback request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.initGame(Side prefSide)
          Protocol sequence to initialize game.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.kick(int t, int p, double v, double alpha)
          Send kick control request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.place_ball(int t, CartesianVect l)
          Send place_ball control request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.place_player(int t, int p, CartesianVect l)
          Send place_player control request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.quit()
          Instruct the simulator to disconnect and shut down.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.set_time(int t, int newT)
          Send set_time control request.
 Reply ISimulatorTeam.spin(int t, int p, double av)
          Send spin control request.