Cheng Li

Professor and Head, Ph.D., P.Eng., SMIEEE,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cross appointed to Dept. Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland

B.Eng. (Honors), M.Eng. - Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Ph.D. - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Research | Teaching | Publication | Professional Activities | Students | Pictures | Cadence Tools

Research Areas
1. Wireless Communication and Networking
2. Computer and Communication Networks
3. Communications Signal Processing
4. Underwater Communication and Networking
5. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Internet-of-Underwater-Things (IoUT)
6. Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile, and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

1. Introduction to Programming(Engr.1020)
2. Structured Programming (Engr.2420)
3. Microprocessors (Engr.4862)
4. Digital Systems (Engr.5865)
5. LSI Design (Engr.8863)
6. Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project (Part I, Engr. 7800)
7. Advanced Digital Systems (Engr.9865)
8. ASIC Design (ENGR-9868)
9. Advanced Data Networks(ENGR-9876)
10. MASCE Design Project (ENGR-980A/B)
11. Advanced Data Networks Guest Lecture (Engr.9876)
12. Computer Engineering Fundamentals (ENGI-9859): Digital Logic Module

My papers (pdf version of the paper will be available soon)

Professional Activities
My Technical Activities

Student Supervision
My Students

My Baby Photos
Proud dad and cute little Sarah.

Pictures with ECE2004 class and St. John's scene.

Cadence CAD Tools
Cadence Memorial Website

[Centre for Digital Hardware Applications Research -- CDHAR]
[Computer Engineering Research Laboratories -- CERL]
[Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science]
[Memorial University of Newfoundland]

Office: EN-4012
Lab: EN-4029
Phone: (709) 864-8972
E-mail: licheng AT mun DOT ca

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
S.J. Carew Building
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
A1B 3X5

Last modified: Saturday 2008.09.01 at 00:30 NDT by Cheng Li
