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Eric W. Gill

Professor Emeritus
B.Sc., B.Ed. (Memorial), M.Eng., Ph.D. (Memorial)

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Office: EN-3066
E-mail: ewgill at mun dot ca
Phone: (709) 864-8922
Fax: (709) 864-4042

THIS PAGE IS UNDER REGULAR RENOVATION -- like many of us. However, its basic form is nearing completion -- maybe or maybe not like many of us. The quickest way to reach me is by email at ewgill at mun dot ca.

| Research | Teaching (General) | Professional Associations| Short CV | Publications | Supervisions |


My research primarily deals with the scattering of high frequency (HF) radiation from time-varying random rough surfaces. In addition to fundamental theoretical work, I am particularly interested in the application of HF surface wave radar (HFSWR) operating in an ocean environment. With collaborators in private industry and government agencies such as the department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Department of National Defence, there has been interest in developing portable HF radar systems.

The signal from shore-based HFSWR can be used to

  1. detect and track targets well beyond the line-of-sight horizon.
  2. collect data which is useful in ocean surface parameter estimation. This includes measurement of significant waveheight, wind and wave directions, and vector surface currents.

Many interesting theoretical and application-oriented problems are currently being addressed. For nearly four decades, Memorial University has been a leader in this area. My research and that of my colleagues, collaborators, and students continues to build on the intensive activity in HFSWR at Memorial University. Over the years the Remote Sensing Group has expanded its suite of instrumentation to include X-band marine radar. Group interest in satellite remote sensing is also increasing. Some of the the literature may be found in my Publications List.

In conjunction with other researchers, I was involved in an Atlantic Innovation Fund project entitled High Frequency Radar Oceans Surface Applications (HF-ROSA). A rudimentary, partially developed web page for this project may be found at HF-ROSA.

During my graduate studies in Memorial University's Electrical Engineering Discipline, I was associated with members of the Remote Sensing Group at C-CORE. This affiliation continues and from time to time I co-supervise graduate students working there.

Teaching (General)

Courses Previously Taught

ENGI1040 Mechanisms and Electric Circuits
ENGI3821 Circuit Analysis
ENGI5812 Basic Electromagnetics
ENGI6813 Electromagnetic Fields
ENGI6814 Electromagnetics for Communications I
Engr. 7811 Antennas
ENGI7814 Electromagnetics for Communications
ENGI7800/8800 Senior Projects
ENGI9816 Antenna Theory

Professional Associations and Certifications